Press Release from Streck

Streck is proud to announce the launch of the Zulu RT®, a rapid, modular qPCR instrument capable of performing four independent experiments simultaneously. It can perform a 40-cycle, 6-channel 3-step real-time PCR in less than 20 minutes, making it the fastest qPCR instrument in the world.
The Zulu RT uses unique, proprietary Streck thermal technology combined with powerful optics for market-leading speed. Fast ramp speeds and precise thermal control allow the Zulu RT to perform rapid, 6-color detection faster than any other instrument for large volumes.
The modularity of the system allows greater flexibility in testing, allowing multiple users at one time; in essence, acting as four individual thermal cyclers in one. The Zulu RT can speed assay development and ease sample processing backlogs and scheduling for busy laboratories.