Novozymes, a member of Bio Nebraska, marked the tenth anniversary of production at their Blair, Nebraska facility. Over the past 10 years, enzymes from the site have enabled gasoline displacement via biofuels equivalent to taking 15 million cars off the road.
Announcement from Novozymes

On May 10, 2022, Novozymes celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Blair biotech manufacturing plant, in Nebraska, with an event attended by Gov. Ricketts and local officials, and enjoyed by employees, customers, and supporters.
Through a decade of inspiration, insight, and investment, Novozymes has been developing the cutting-edge biotech facility from bare land along the Missouri River into the largest enzyme manufacturing plant dedicated to biofuels in the world.
“Bioscience companies have thrived in Nebraska’s business-friendly climate,” says Gov. Ricketts. “Novozymes broke ground in Blair in 2009 to make enzymes for ethanol production. They are continuing to grow, with an additional investment of over $300 million in a new protein production facility. Thank you to Novozymes for your commitment to the community of Blair and for helping to grow the Good Life.”
The plant has expanded significantly since its first creation. Currently, construction of a new, $300 million state-of-the-art production line is underway, which will enable growth of Novozymes’ business in Advanced Protein Solutions.
“Since 2012, Blair has evolved from a bare field to a top-notch biotech production facility, supplying products to sustain and grow the bioenergy industry in North America,” says Vanessa Rising, General Manager of Novozymes’ Blair site. “Now, we are busy expanding Blair again to deliver on our strategy and help meet growing global demands for protein.”