Part 1:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
12:00 PM CST
Part 2:
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
12:00 PM CST
Brand Institute, PSC Biotech, and the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) have partnered to provide a Webinar Series on “The Art and Science of Naming Drugs and Medical Devices”. The Two-Part Series will focus on technical and strategic considerations and the legal and regulatory challenges of medical product name development.
Join us on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 12:00 PM CST to hear about “The Science Behind Nonproprietary (Generic) Drug Naming” with world-renowned nonproprietary naming expert and the President of Drug Safety Institute’s Nonproprietary Naming Division, Sophia Fuerst. Learn about the taxonomy of nonproprietary nomenclature, the differences between generic and brand naming, and the regulatory agencies/processes involved.
Our 2nd Part of the series, “The Art of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Brand Naming,” will launch on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 12:00 PM CST. Scott Piergrossi and Jerry Phillips will discuss the key challenges and opportunities, creative strategies, and regulatory considerations involved in the development of pharmaceutical and medical device brand names.
Speaker’s Bio:

Sophia Fuerst
President, Nonproprietary Names Division
Ms. Fuerst joined Drug Safety Institute’s Nonproprietary (USAN/INN) Names Division as Managing Director in 2005, and was promoted to President in 2007. Ms. Fuerst was formerly Director of the USAN Program at the American Medical Association (AMA) and served in various positions during her 18-year tenure with the Program, including AMA senior staff scientist in the area of Drug Nomenclature. The AMA USAN Program is responsible for evaluating and approving nonproprietary names. Ms. Fuerst holds a B.S. in Biology/Chemistry (pre-med) from St. Joseph’s College, an M.S. in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Chicago and an M.B.A. from Governor’s State University in Illinois.

Scott Piergrossi
President, Operations & Communications- Miami
Mr. Piergrossi joined BI in 2003. He oversees the company’s Miami-based operations and global corporate communications. In the 16 years preceding his current role, he directed Brand Institute’s naming team, managing all proprietary creative nomenclature projects and developing the creative strategy and methodology used in name development. Mr. Piergrossi received his B.A. in Advertising from Barry University in Miami.

Jerry Phillips, R. Ph.
President, Client Relations – Miami
Mr. Phillips opened Brand Institute’s regulatory subsidiary, Drug Safety Institute, in 2004 as President & CEO. He was formerly with the FDA for 16 years and acting director of the Division of Medication Errors and Technical Support (DMETS), renamed to Division of Medication Error Prevention & Analysis (DMEPA). Mr. Phillips was responsible for developing the first-generation safety research methodology at the FDA. In 2004, he developed DSI’s infrastructure and methodology to be the global leader in name safety research & regulatory affairs. He then expanded DSI to comply with EMA, Health Canada (HC) and other regulatory authorities. In May 2018, Mr. Phillips transitioned DSI’s responsibilities to Todd Bridges, former FDA DMEPA Director, and took on the responsibilities of Client Relations for the 21 global Brand Institute account teams. Mr. Phillips earned his B.S. in Pharmacy from the University of Houston.