For our April Member Spotlight we talked to GMP Pros, a leading team-focused solutions partner to clients in Biopharma, Animal Health, Medical Devices, and Pharma throughout the U.S.
Tell us about GMP Pros.
GMP Pros is a fast growing change agent for the pharma and animal health industries with a singular mission: make people happier. We are, at a superficial glance, an engineering firm delivering process design, operational excellence and technical solutions, and true, forward looking data science. However, these capabilities are simply tools we use to deliver real business results growing the bottom line and, ultimately delighting the people benefitting from engineered simplicity. We are headquartered in Omaha, NE and our diverse workforce produces national and global results with many of the world’s largest pharma companies.

Why is Nebraska an important location for GMP Pros?
Nebraska is both home for our leadership and perfectly positioned within a vast and growing FDA regulated industry. With support from governmental organizations and so many companies recognizing the attractive, Midwest landscape of available infrastructure, proximity to material supplies, and technical talent we are proud to help grow our industry right here in our backyard. It excites us to see the incredible investments being made by our very own Bio Nebraska members and the attention it garners from those waking up to what we are building here. Nebraska is an attractive hub of transport and talent we choose to call home not because of convenience but because of opportunity.
What products and services do you offer?
We deliver results. Our belief is there truly is A Better Way for EverythingTM primarily through adding simplicity, cutting out complication, and designing people first processes to relieve stress in FDA manufacturing. Process excellence includes process engineering of technology and vendor selection, installation and qualifications, validations, and similar.
We design and deploy eBR systems. We provide direct, on the ground support to fill gaps, lead change, and upskill organizations in managing change. We solve operational complexities and drive business change for higher OEEs, lower variable costs, and operator satisfaction. Data science ties it all together eliminating administrative information management, intelligently and automatically drives decision making and action, and the guarantee of visibility to celebrate improvement.

How many employees do you have in Nebraska? How many company-wide?
GMP Pros employees 20 full time employees right here in Nebraska with an additional 20+ spread throughout the US. With our current growth these numbers are also growing. Inquire within!
What are your customers?
Our customers are manufacturers of FDA regulated products for both human and animal health. Primarily we work with those on missions to digitize, simplify, and produce new products with new technologies. These companies generally have multiple manufacturing locations and a global footprint. They all have leadership driven to innovate and do things differently.
What are some of the biggest challenges facing your industry today and how does GMP Pros play a role in helping overcome those challenges?
Manufacturing is hard. Our people and our time are almost always tied up with fighting the daily fires, hitting OTIF targets, and just staying above water. Labor shortages on the shop floor and a dearth of engineering knowhow – did you know the U.S. is currently short some 6 million engineers with that number expected only to grow? – our industry struggles to find the time to innovate, let alone the expertise and capability to make it reality.
GMP Pros is the solution, the easy button to hit when there’s a goal but not a plan. We partner with our clients, taking advantage of their expertise and ours to make the magic happen, realize results in record time, and enshrine sustainable success. We do this to make sure your operators and your whole team can make it their kids’ baseball games this weekend.
What have been your greatest opportunities in the industry?
Unfortunately, we can’t all be experts in all things. Honest leaders who recognize their core competencies are their products and their customer satisfaction realize they are not the masters of complex, once-in-a-career organizational changes. There aren’t any YouTube videos on how to deploy eBR (we looked… and perhaps that is our opportunity!) or a one-pager on simplified, risk-based cleaning validations. Calculating ROI, identifying an initiative’s singular obsession, and making it reality is where we shine. Not every problem is a good fit for us and that’s okay. Our opportunities are when leadership looks around and thinks, “Yeah, we’ve never done this before.”
Anything on the horizon, or anything else you’d like to share?
Investment in and growth of Nebraska’s and the midwest’s pharma industry is exploding and we are thrilled to play our part in supporting and accelerating it. As regulations and technology change faster than ever, we are wholesale investing in our people and our capabilities to fuel our own growth. We do this to support our neighbors and our industry in doing what they do best: be global leaders in pharma manufacturing. There are new and massive benefits to reap from the latest generations of eBR, FDA guidance changes, and data science advancements. We’re racing ahead on the leading edge to keep finding A Better Way for EverythingTM and are endlessly excited that you are, too.