Article by Amanda Rucker, Nebraska Ethanol Board. The Nebraska Ethanol Board is a member of Bio Nebraska.

As temperatures begin to rise and schools dismiss for the school year, families may soon be hitting the road to enjoy summer vacations. The month of May typically kicks off the summer driving season, and it’s also a time to celebrate Nebraska’s biofuel industries through Renewable Fuels Month. Since 2006, the acting Nebraska governor has dedicated one month out of each year to recognize the importance of renewable biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel.
Nationally, Nebraska ranks No. 2 in ethanol production with 25 ethanol plants across the state. The industry employs over 1,400 Nebraskans in rural areas of the state. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, ethanol is currently blended in over 95% of the nation’s fuel supply. A healthy ethanol sector boosts Nebraska’s corn and livestock industries and adds to a thriving state economy.