We are looking for engaging, substantive presentations that will inform our membership on cutting-edge technology and the latest discoveries in animal health.
Iowa Biotechnology Association (IowaBio) and Bio Nebraska Life Sciences Association (Bio Nebraska) are excited to announce the fourth installment of Animal Health In the Heartland with this year’s focus on Whole Animal Health. The symposium will be held on Wednesday, August 19th at the ISU Alumni Center in Ames. The program will be preceded by an optional facility tour (location TBA) and a networking reception on Tuesday, August 18th.
This year’s theme is “Whole Animal Health”.
Presentation ideas include, but are not limited to:
- New vaccines
- Reduced antibiotic usage
- Healthier feed additives and their benefits
- How to stop another spread of avian flu/other impactful animal diseases
- Worldwide threats to animal health
- Animal-to-human transmission prevention efforts
- Advances in technology and data that assist producers
- Environmental and human health benefits linked to advances in animal health
Presentations will be held in person (unless otherwise arranged or altered by the associations due to COVID-19 concerns) on August 19, at a time to be determined. Presentations may be submitted as a solo speaker or as a panel. We are seeking to fill 5-6 timeslots, each lasting 45-60 minutes depending on the final lineup.
Submissions will be accepted April 20 – May 8 on IowaBio’s website at www.iowabio.org/AHpresentations.
Following the submission deadline, a 30-minute call will be scheduled the week of May 18 to further discuss your idea with our associations and allow you to ask questions about the symposium. You will be notified the following week if you have been selected to speak.
Additional Resources:
- Visit event website at www.iowabio.org/AnimalHealth
- View sponsorship opportunities
- Download the Request for Presentation flier
Bio Nebraska Contact
Rob Owen
[email protected]
IowaBio Contact
Jessica Hyland
[email protected]