Fuels Nebraska, a partnership of the Nebraska Ethanol Board, the Nebraska Corn Board, and Renewable Fuels Nebraska, authored an op-ed about May as Renewable Fuels Month in Nebraska.
By Fuels Nebraska
Renewable Fuels Month highlights the importance of renewable biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, especially for Nebraskans. The month of May marks the beginning of the summer driving season, making it an ideal time to fuel up on clean and cost-saving biofuels. Ethanol, renewable diesel and biodiesel help to decrease America’s dependence on foreign oil, boost our nation’s economy, and support thousands of jobs in rural communities.
Ethanol is the third largest Nebraska agriculture commodity, and the use of a 10% blend saves Nebraskans millions per year. In 2023, thanks to ethanol blends of E10 and above, Nebraska drivers saved at least $325 million.