Negoen, a member of Bio Nebraska, announced that it has launched Igenity® BeefXDairy, a new and novel leading genomic test for beef-on-dairy calves. The test provides producers with insight into key traits such as carcass quality, average daily gain, and the Igenity Terminal Index, which can then be used to market the calf’s growth potential to buyers.
Announcement from Neogen, June 6, 2023
Neogen® Corporation announced today it has launched Igenity® BeefXDairy, a new and novel leading genomic test for beef-on-dairy calves. Genetic testing is critical to the efficient management and marketing of beef-on-dairy cattle, and the new Igenity BeefXDairy test provides producers with insight into key traits such as carcass quality, average daily gain, and the Igenity Terminal Index, which can then be used to market the calf’s growth potential to buyers. The test will also allow buyers to receive breed composition data (e.g., percentage beef vs. percentage dairy) to help them best manage those cattle for optimal health and maximum growth.
“Neogen is excited to be the first to offer up a commercial genomic tool for this growth cattle market,” said Shelby Smith, Bovine Genomics Product Manager at Neogen. “This product offering is a massive step forward in helping to characterize beef-on-dairy animals and allowing dairy producers, cattle buyers, and, ultimately, consumers of beef products to benefit. With increased DNA testing, we can enable improved quality, efficiency, and sustainability within beef production systems.”